Name: Gundam Epyon
Pilot: Miliando Peacecraft
Colony: Earth
Height: 17.4m
Weight: 8.5 Tonnes
Model Number: OZ-13MS
Fighting Ability: 160
Weapon Ability: 140
Speed Ability: 160
Power Ability: 150
Armour Ability:140
Armaments: 1x plasma sword; 1x heat-rod; 1x sheild
MY COMMENTS: This was the only Gundam that was manufactured on Earth by OZ. In an attempt to create a MS that can rival the Gundams made by the rebels, Gundam Epyon was created. Epyon meaning "the Devil". Along with WingZERO, this is also a "perfect grade" Gundam as it also has the "ZERO system" incorporated into it. It can also turn into a very snazzy plane that resembles a double-headed pheonix. At the end of the series, there was a spectacular duel between Epyon and WingZERO.
Epyon's primary weapon is one big, chunky, over-sized beam-plasma sword that can chop a space colony into two. When charged to full power, the beam sword's length goes up to about 30 meters or so, about twice the height of the MS! Anyone remember Miliando using Epyon and slicing a space station into two with the plasma sword charged to maximum output? Its secondary weapon is a shield with a nasty whip which has to be the coolest and slickest weapon in Gundam history. (no sexual inuendo intended). The whip (also called the Heat Rod) glows a firey red, whirling, curling and twisting about, leaving a trail of carnage all glowing that firey red colour. Note that this Gundam has NO PROJECTILE WEAPON. However, its two weapons, combined with its power and speed more than makes up for it. On a side note that over-sized beam sword and whip is just too good to ignore!