Lady Une
Name: Lady Une
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Height:161 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Nationality: German
Hair colour: Brown
Family: none mentioned in the series... maybe with Treize
Home: OZ Headquaters
Occupation: OZ Countess... special agent and commander
Mobile Suit (MS): yeah right!?
Quotable quotes: "Shoot me Relena.... to avenge your father...."
"Space Colonies and Earth must reunite to achieve peace"
MY COMMENTS: Treize's loyal companion and an special intelligence agent, Lady Une is one of the most mysterious character in Gundam Wing. She initially appear as the cold-blooded and callous agent, who wears glasses and rolls her hair up (like Princess Leia from Star Wars). She was merciless and cruel to her allies and her enemies, Une was also responsible for the assassination of Relena's adopted father.
But, after a close encounter with death, Lady Une metamorphosized into a completely new person. Taking her glasses off and letting her hair down, she became the compassionate leader of OZ, promoting the message of love and peace to the world. She strives for the reconcilliation between the space colonines and Earth once more....
Her love for Treize Khushrenada is quite overt, as seen by the picture below.